Creating Vector Histogram

Authors: Côme PASQUALIN - François GANNIER (gannier at univ-tours dot fr) University of Tours (France)
See also: Others productions for ImageJ from the authors
Utilisation: Description / Installation / Utilisation of the plugin
Description: This "Vector histogram" tool creates an histogram plot of speed vector.
This can be done on a selection.
Speed vector can also be computed with the "Measure speed[menu]" on an isochronal map.


[map][vector histogram]

Vector histogram from Isochronal map.

Requirements: File must be an isochronal map and must be calibrated[menu] in each dimension i.e.'Image/show Info' must have a calibration function (8 or 16-bit image) or a calibration unit (32-bit image).
- Calibration is automatically set with Isochronal function.
- To manually calibrate/edit : Use 'Analyze/Calibrate'.
This analysis can be done on a squared selection.
Before using tool: Create/Open an isochronal map.
Using tool: Choose "Vector histogram[menu]".

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