Creating Parameter Map

Authors: Côme PASQUALIN - François GANNIER (gannier at univ-tours dot fr) University of Tours (France)
See also: Others productions for ImageJ from the authors
Utilisation: Description / Installation / Utilisation of the plugin


[Amplitude map][Calibration]

Map of FWHM (Width at 50% of amplitude).


Requirements: File must be a stack and must be calibrated in each dimension (Use Ctrl+Shift+P)[menu] .
This analysis can be done on a squared selection.
You can choose the first and last slices to limit this analysis. If more than one peak is found, a mean will be used.
Before using tool: In "Analysis options[menu]", configure "Min peak amplitude from baseline" and "Start peak threshold".
Using tool: Choose "Parameter map" and fill the setup dialog:
"Sens of analysis" should be automatically detected, change if not.
Choose binning, range and level of smoothing.
Choose the parameter to display.
Click "Ok", an analysis is done.
You can control brightness while the map is constructed.
Each point is performed so this may be very looooooong.......
After using tool: The calibration window can be obtained by the "create calibration bar" in the menu.


- Sens = peak is up (positive) or down (negative)

- Axial binning (±x) = xy binning

- Temporal binning (±x) = z binning

- Time zone: range for the analysis

- Pre-processing: add an adjacent averaging smoothing

- Analysis: parameter[menu] used to make the map.

- Display the 'Result window'
- Access to the advanced settings[menu]: these parameters shouldn't be changed unless the automatic analysis failed.
% from biggest difference: this reduces the computing time by avoiding some pixel, a value of 0 means all pixels are computed
matrix NxN: image is analysed from a matrix, the higher the value, the finer the matrix.

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